So this one time, Rob told me to write an About Matthew page on our blog. I think I was the one who told him to write an About Rob page, so I guess I had it coming.
I never know how to write autobiographically. Telling the truth seems too much like bragging (because I’m awesome) and lying just seems dishonest. But because I’m honest (and awesome) I concluded after an extremely brief introspection that I should tell the truth.
You, the audience, don’t want to hear about the time I had to delay take-off for an airplane I was piloting because there was a bear on the runway. You don’t want to hear about my brush with mail fraud, or how I’ve played ice hockey in an NHL arena, or how I was crucially involved in an emergency services rescue operation while rock climbing. You want to hear about my daily life, about how I made chicken salad and listened to Coldplay and wrote a post on this blog.
Those are all true stories, by the way. And the chicken salad was delicious, thanks for asking.
The story of how and why we started this blog has been discussed enough elsewhere (earlier posts, Rob’s about me page, CNN). You know that already. You want to know about the men behind the blog, the names and faces and personalities that make INITFORTHEMONEY work on a day-to-day basis.
Rob will tell you that we are fascinating, brilliant, handsome men with high-paying jobs and many attractive women throwing themselves at us every day. Rob will tell you that we fly around the world righting wrongs and meeting important businessmen. Rob will tell you that we are essentially a combination of Batman, James Bond, Alexander Ovechkin, and the guy from the Old Spice Commercials.
Rob’s right.